
Vital Statistics

Name: Torristan
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): Ranma 1/2 Movie 2, Nihao My Concubine
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: Shampoo
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Mousse

Profile: Torristan is one of Toma's main servants and warriors. Along with the rest of the half-animal, half-man retainers, they serve Toma on his floating island of Togenkyo. Torristan usually wears a Mask to hide his face, which looks like that of a chicken.

During the fiasco in which Toma kidnapped all of the females in Ranma's group, who were stuck on the island, Torristan immediately chose Shampoo to be his future bride, despite Shampoo's obvious resistance to his advances, the Bird-Man still attempted to get Shampoo to love him. However, it ended up that Mousse found her and fought the Bird-Man for her. After a tough fight, Mousse was able to defeat Torristan and win back Shampoo.

Personality: Though somewhat of a romantic, the Torristan can be cruel in a fight. He will not hold back in a fight and will even kill to get what he wants. However, he is honorable and will take defeat as such, with no grudges.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez